Band 48 the yellow row

Digital review of the new one „Yellow series“

The Nordhäuser history- and antiquity association and the city archives have the in December 48. Band of „Yellow series“ published on the history of the region. There are now a few extras available online…

From now on it is 48. Volume in the regional bookstores and at the publisher Steffen Iffland for 20,00 Euro erhältlich. To supplement the printed essays, images are now available on the History homepage- and antiquity association a digital repository.
For the Shop

On the Nordhäuser History website- and antiquity association „“ are under “fonts”, then “Repository”, further illustrations for the three essays “Art in Buildings in the GDR. Murals in the Schiller-Gymnasium in Bleicherode and at the Sangerhäuser Straße gym in Nordhausen” by Suzy Hesse, „Wilhelm Eichler. An artist's life in 19. Century from Nordhausen” by Heidelore Kneffel and “Building at ‘Nordbrand’” by Heinz Günter Schmidt.
Dr. Marie-Luis Zahradnik



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