
Historischer Kalender Nordhausen 2021

Original price was: € 10.00.Current price is: € 4.00.

Since the year 1999 erscheint der Historische Kalender bei uns im Verlag.

Historical Views of Nordhausen in the form of viewing- and Photo Cards or. historic lithographs presented in this publication. Here you can really call it a huge success, to this publication in no time experienced. The demand for old & views is rare in Nordhausen very large, especially since the historic Old 80 Percent of the bombs (1945) fell victim to.


Historical views of yesterday and today. This time there are views from Osterstrasse (Alexander-Puschkin-Straße), the Hotel Kaiserberg, the avenue street (Wilhelm-Nebelung-Strasse), the Taschenberg, the old hospital on Taschenberg, the Neustadtstrasse, Weidenstrasse, Hohenzollernstrasse (Zillestrasse), the Wiedigsburg, Moltkestrasse (Oscar-Cohn-Strasse) and presented to the promenade. In addition to a historical description, some images are illustrated by aerial photographs of 1945 as well as supplemented by excerpts from old city maps.

Additional information

Gewicht 200 kg
Größe 30 × 21 × 1 cm


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