Contributions to the History Nordhausen Bd. 43



  • Hardback edition: 240 Pages
  • Publishing house: Printing and Publishing Iffland; Auflage: 1 (1. December 2018)
  • Sprache: Deutsch
  • ISBN-13: 978-3939357-35-0


The Yellow Series / Beiträge zur Geschichte von Stadt und Landkreis Nordhausen: Beiträge zur Geschichte von Stadt und Landkreis Nordhausen / The Yellow Series / Beiträge zur Geschichte Band 43 Hardback edition – 1. December 2018

Table of Contents
Peter Kuhlbrodt
Das Zollgesetz von 1818 und seine Auswirkungen auf das Wirtschaftsleben,
den Verkehr und den Alltag der Nordhäuser
Part 2: the annual 1834 to 1836 - peak of the clashes
between border hunters and smuggling

Jürgen John
The Thuringian criminal law application and the Nordhäuser
Criminal cases "Hanewacker" and "Puttfarcken" 1945/46. part One

Hans-Jürgen Grönke
The Tapetenfabrik the Becker family in Nordhausen

Dieter Weber and Hans Christoph Rieger
Paradise in the city.
Hellmuth Unger and Emil Schondorf - two leading paradise
from Nordhausen in the Nazi era

Paul Lauerwald
Selmar Solomon Solmitz (1840 – 1886) - an important patron of the
Nordhäuser Municipal Museum

Gerhard Aumüller
A diverse gifted Nordhäuser: Michael Hirschfelder (um 1550?–1602) –
Lehrer, poet, doctor, astronomers, architect, Musicians and mechanics

Volker Ermisch, Norbert Meinert
Contributions to the History of VEB hydrogeology Nordhausen

Gina Trominski
"Propter Deum" - The expenditure of St. Blasius Church in Nordhausen for
Poor and needy in the second half of 17. Century on
Basis of its accounting book

patrick Nehr
Religious life of St. Blasius Church Nordhausen in the second half
of the 17. Century - an analysis of its accounting book


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