
Municipal Register of the City Ellrich

Original price was: € 1,480.00.Current price is: € 980.00.

Municipal Register of the City Ellrich from the years 1927/1930/1935 as well as 1927 the districts Appenrode, Cleysingen, Gudersleben, Rothesütte, Sülzhayn, Werna & Woffleben. In addition to a historical overview of the various places.

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Municipal Register of the City Ellrich from the years 1927/1930/1935 as well as 1927 the districts Appenrode, Cleysingen, Gudersleben, Rothesütte, Sülzhayn, Werna & Woffleben

In addition to a historical overview of the various places.

Von Andreas Friese


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