In light and fire


The book "In Light and Fire" by Martin Glaubrecht tells stories from the past. His grandfather Robert Franz Bernhard who had worked as a blacksmith takes one day- and workbook was the grandson of a day of the new homeowner.

Taschenbuch: 252 Pages
Publishing house: Printing and Publishing Iffland; Auflage: 1 (3. November 2011)
Sprache: Deutsch
ISBN-10: 393935712X
ISBN-13: 978-3939357124

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In light and fire:
Ein Schmied als Künstler / Tagebuch-Roman
Taschenbuch – 3. November 2011
von Martin Glaubrecht (Author)

The book "In Light and Fire" by Martin Glaubrecht tells stories from the past. Sein Großvater Robert Franz Bernhard der als Schmied gearbeitet hatte führt ein Tage- and workbook was the grandson of a day of the new homeowner.

The book is in 3 Parts divided, the first part is only of Thuringia, the second of Franconia and Würzburg, and the third tells the story of "Escape from Würzburg - In Alsace".


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