Recipes with History


Nordhausen. „Cookbooks there are a dime a dozen“, opened residence director Claudia Rusche the presentation event for publication of the work „Recipes with History“. Yet is there anything about the debut of K and S Seniorenresidenz especially, meint Rusche.

Not only recipes are recorded in the book, but also the personal stories of the chefs. It all cooking ideas have been contributed by Nordhäuser personalities and residents of the retirement home.

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Cooked for you, recalled and written by citizens of the town of Nordhausen 114 Pages, vollfarbig bebildert, Fester Einband mit Fadenheftung.

Nordhausen. „Cookbooks there are a dime a dozen“, opened residence director Claudia Rusche the presentation event for publication of the work „Recipes with History“. Dennoch sei an dem Erstlingswerk der K & S Seniorenresidenz etwas ganz besonders, meint Rusche.

Not only recipes are recorded in the book, but also the personal stories of the chefs. It all cooking ideas have been contributed by Nordhäuser personalities and residents of the retirement home.

Local celebrities brought an own ideas

During Advent 2011 originated in the Old- and nursing home a cooking class led by Marko Müller. Just a few months later this was through regional variables such as Lord Mayor Dr. toe, Landrat Matthias Jendricke oder Spielern des FSV Wacker Nordhausen erweitert, also their very own recipe ideas and stories with the einbrachten.Um 50 Staff made their contribution, to contribute to the success of the project. ,,Without it would not“, shows Project Müller visibly moved. The presentation event has been supported by many varied program points geschmückt.Die children of kindergarten Domino sang fit „In the Christmas bakery“, Employees contributed poems and also the Nordhäuser Männerchor confessed to a secret passion for cooking. All recipes were also nachgekocht jointly by residents and external northern houses in the senior residence K and S. Das Buch wurden in gewohnt hochwertiger Qualität im Verlag Iffland hergestellt und ist für 14,80 Euro commercially available.


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