Contributions to the History Nordhausen Bd. 38


Still time for Christmas, the new volume is the so-called „Yellow series“, of the 38. Year of the Nordhäuser history- and Antiquity Association, the Museum „Tabakspeicher“ and issued the North Town Archives „Contributions to the history of the city and county Nordhausen“ published and available in bookstores Nordhäuser.

Of the 230 Page book contains with 17 Contributed extensive information and new insights into the history of the landscape around Nordhausen, the city of Nordhausen and different places from the district. Also the temporal spectrum includes contributions, the younger of the imperial era of central Germany to 20. Rich century. Thus, the reader can use the prehistoric hillfort on the Schellenberg with Steigerthal or the fragment of a Roman Gliederpuppe, the annual 2000 was found in Sundhausen, accurately inform as about the Fleglerkrieg in the first decades of 15. Century in our country or about a medieval Jewish manuscript rest, which was discovered in a book cover in the City Archives, inform. Other contributions are dealing with the creator of the altar of the church of St Market. Nikolai Jürgen Tribbe(1604-1665), with the 1848 existing journeymen's educational team to Nordhausen, with the „Affair of Bleicherode 1813, a battle between the army units of the Kingdom of Westphalen and Russian-allied troops in April to Schern or with questions about the Imperial City History Nordhausen. Of particular interest is the contribution over the Behelfsheimbau in Nordhausen for living in „total war“ 1943/45. Economic History-oriented subjects deal with the cattle- and horse breeding, with special consideration of the southern Harz and its foreland, on the way from Keene to Leuna-anhydrite or with the demise of the print shop Theodor Müller. These and other contributions in the volume provide a small part of the rich history of our country is, which will certainly come across a large group of people.

Also, this year's band is in the usual quality (Festeinband; Threadbinding, Art paper and unchanged equipment), this time for the first time from the publishing houses of Steffen Iffland North, appeared. Also, the price is 12,00 Euro remains favorable.

The Nordhäuser history- and Antiquity Association and the 16 Authors have with this new edition of „Yellow series“ made a great contribution to the study of local history again.

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Contributions to the history of the city and county Nordhausen: 38. Band 2013 Hardback edition – 19. December 2013

Still time for Christmas, the new volume is the so-called „Yellow series“, of the 38. Year of the Nordhäuser history- and Antiquity Association, the Museum „Tabakspeicher“ and issued the North Town Archives „Contributions to the history of the city and county Nordhausen“ published and available in bookstores Nordhäuser.

Of the 230 Page book contains with 17 Contributed extensive information and new insights into the history of the landscape around Nordhausen, the city of Nordhausen and different places from the district. Also the temporal spectrum includes contributions, the younger of the imperial era of central Germany to 20. Rich century. Thus, the reader can use the prehistoric hillfort on the Schellenberg with Steigerthal or the fragment of a Roman Gliederpuppe, the annual 2000 was found in Sundhausen, accurately inform as about the Fleglerkrieg in the first decades of 15. Century in our country or about a medieval Jewish manuscript rest, which was discovered in a book cover in the City Archives, inform. Other contributions are dealing with the creator of the altar of the church of St Market. Nikolai Jürgen Tribbe(1604-1665), with the 1848 existing journeymen's educational team to Nordhausen, with the „Affair of Bleicherode 1813, a battle between the army units of the Kingdom of Westphalen and Russian-allied troops in April to Schern or with questions about the Imperial City History Nordhausen. Of particular interest is the contribution over the Behelfsheimbau in Nordhausen for living in „total war“ 1943/45. Economic History-oriented subjects deal with the cattle- and horse breeding, with special consideration of the southern Harz and its foreland, on the way from Keene to Leuna-anhydrite or with the demise of the print shop Theodor Müller. These and other contributions in the volume provide a small part of the rich history of our country is, which will certainly come across a large group of people.

Also, this year's band is in the usual quality (Festeinband; Threadbinding, Art paper and unchanged equipment), this time for the first time from the publishing houses of Steffen Iffland North, appeared. Also, the price is 12,00 Euro remains favorable.

The Nordhäuser history- and Antiquity Association and the 16 Authors have with this new edition of „Yellow series“ made a great contribution to the study of local history again.



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