Nordhäuser distillery tradition


It is an impressive piece of work created, that the 500-year history come alive. They run the gamut from short excursion to urban development on the fermentation industry and its scientific basis, the brewing industry as the parent of the distillery, about the history of the North Houses brandy, the representation of the former Nordhäuser grain brandy distilleries and liquor factories



Since the beginning of the 16. Century is recorded in Nordhausen brandy. At the beginning it was certainly not the later so famous "grain". It processed yesteryear residues of winemaking for decades only for domestic use. Since then, five centuries gone about the country. To date, the "True North Homes" lost none of its reputation. The Nordbrand Nordhausen is a market leader in the production of grain. Just before the memorable anniversary grain now, the book "500 Years Nordhäuser distillery tradition", which can only be described as a standard work of the history of the distillery being in Nordhausen.

The authors Hans-Dieter Werther, the youngest member of the family distillery Georg Hügues, Paul Louis Schierholz and Publisher Steffen Iffland let her work in the industry to life, Nordhausen has known all over the world and made it famous. The work is painstaking work, the three northern houses together everything, which is conducive to the enrichment and improvement of the historiography of the North Houses distilling.

It is an impressive piece of work created, that the 500-year history come alive. They run the gamut from short excursion to urban development on the fermentation industry and its scientific basis, the brewing industry as the parent of the distillery, about the history of the North Houses brandy, the representation of the former Nordhäuser grain brandy distilleries and liquor factories to Nordbrand Nordhausen, the brandy-cleaning factories in the city and the "Enthaltsamkeitsbewegung" against alcohol abuse.

The reader learns a lot about the partners of the spirits industry, as Malt, Böttcher and transit operations, Second, the difficult years after the war and the difficult new beginning. Fast 700 Pictures – among them have never been shown in public shots, Sketches, Spreadsheets and documents as well as numerous eyewitness accounts of former owner burner supplement in the history of the book abgehandelte distillery being in Nordhausen. A lot of material comes from the collection of Hans-Dieter Ludwig and Paul Werther Schierholz. But numerous individuals have documents, Photos, Chronicles and information made available and thus contributed to the success of the work.


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