Churches- Parish and School Chronicle


The churches- Parish and School Chronicle Community offices and herring Kelbra, County Hohnstein, the city of Nordhausen and the counties of Stolberg-Stolberg-Stolberg Rosla and since the Reformation

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The churches- Parish and School Chronicle Community offices and herring Kelbra, the county Hohenstein, the city of Nordhausen and the counties of Stolberg-Stolberg-Stolberg Rosla and since the Reformation.

Some of the loci, which are discussed in this book, brought forth men, in the world of scholarship can not be easily forgotten, at least should never be forgotten; But they and all their loved ones are gone. Should it be called from their places of birth: "And the place thereof shall know it no more?"- God forbid! - No, that Nordhausen Bötticher the. Crato, Ehrenpfort, Seriously, Eulhardt, Leader, Gassmann, Günther, John or Jonas, Also Jonah, Lesser, Bitch, Meienburg, Monner, Sack, Schmid, Spangenberg, And Thomas Wolf; that Sondershausen Glassius one; Stolberg Schneidewin one; Ilfeld the Rothmaler; Walkenried a Hildebrand; Pegs one Leuckfeld; Kelbra a children's father; Niedersachswerfen the German Homer, Rhodomann; Uthleben have produced a Haccius, which should be known and the late posterity remain, some of them, and it should only be effected by these preliminary also contemplated. It has been suggested by several pages of desire, but also that the most substantial non-church news, Antiquities and curiosities, what our area is really rich, not want to be ignored entirely, not because of an actual topography of the district, likely to be significant enough. Now, so much could be done for this purpose in addition to concisely as, happened.

ISBN-13: 978-3980703253


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