The Heimatbote Nordhausen Salza


Special issue of the series „The Heimatbote“ Booklet 6. History of the 1200th Salza village near Nordhausen in the Harz. Onto 112 Pages discusses the history of the place, of the settlement to the beginning of 19. Century. The author Steffen Iffland has to also collected countless photos. Finally, Rainer Hellberg reported about the sport and the Salzaquellbad.



Special issue of the series „The Heimatbote“ Booklet 6. History of the 1200th Salza village near Nordhausen in the Harz. Onto 112 Pages discusses the history of the place, of the settlement to the beginning of 19. Century. The author Steffen Iffland has to also collected countless photos. Finally, Rainer Hellberg reported about the sport and the Salzaquellbad.

Released: 2002, ISBN 3-9807032-6-6

Additional information

Größe 21 × 14 × 1 cm


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