The Yellow Series / Contributions to the history of the city and county Nordhausen:
41. Band / 2016 Hardback edition
Table of Contents
Markus Wehmer
A Late Bronze Age bone arrowhead
Windeshausen, distr. Nordhausen
Florian Michel
First Germans south of the Harz - Comparison of Funkenburg
with late La Tène sites from the Nordhausen area
Marcus Hellwing
Roman presence in the southern Harz
"Fought not unfavorably against the Germans"
Heidelore Kneffel
"Message of the old rare Bibliothec …“ – The legacy
des Johannes Huter/Pilearius
Carlies Maria Raddatz-Breidbach
Relations of the noble village Großfurra to Nordhausen
from 15. to 17. Century
Paul Lauerwald
Peculiarities of the coinage history of Nordhausen
Hans-Jürgen Grönke
Nordhäuser fuming sulfuric acid
a forgotten branch of production in Nordhausen
Peter Kuhlbrodt
A "tumultuous" border- and hall Moving the free imperial city
Nordhausen 8. October 1715
Klaus Liebenrodt
100 Annual medical plaster- Products from Ilfeld
of 1893 to 1991
Dirk Suckow
The Nordhäuser Stadtbad. Architecture between hygiene, Sport
and service
Marie-Luis Zahradnik
Association of Female Jewish Youth
Leni Arnold
Reconstruction of the destroyed town of Nordhausen.
Desire and reality in the post-war years
Dietrich Quast
History of VEB Hydrogeology
from a well builder's point of view
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