The child's life is a game


The child's life is a game: Friedrich Froebel's play education today for kindergarten, School and family Hardcover in 2 Volumes


  • Editor : ‎ Printing and Publishing Iffland (13. September 2021)
  • Language : ‎ Deutsch
  • Hardcover : ‎ 520 Pages
  • ISBN-10: 393935743X
  • ISBN-13: 978-3939357438
Art.-No.: 978-3939357438 Categories: , Tags: , , , , , , ,


Introductory words to the book

Hardly any other educator has been and is so strongly associated with early childhood education and upbringing, like Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel. That is not surprising, it was he, which made it clear with the establishment of the first kindergarten, that early childhood is a very meaningful phase in individual development.

With the Fröbel kindergarten and his work on elementary education, the decisive step was probably made, away from “preservation” and towards institutions, which is the upbringing, Dedicate education and care, did. The influence of Fröbel's pedagogy continues in the field of school education and provides significant impulses for the metaphor of "lifelong learning".

The book by Dr.. Matthias Brodbeck follows the holistic approach in this context, Froebel in his theoretical approach to complex pedagogical processes and his practical work as a pedagogue was always a central concern. In this regard, it is a historical classification, Teaching material and basis for the conceptual design of Froebel facilities in equal measure.

In discussions with practitioners, especially in the field of early childhood education and upbringing, the question of Fröbel-specific additional training geared to the challenge of the present is raised again and again. Taking this wish into account, the Froebel Academy Germany offers a modular Froebel diploma in digital and analog form, which the present (Lehr-) Uses the book as a theoretical basis for knowledge acquisition.

The aim of the postgraduate training is to impart pedagogical and methodological tools to the graduates, to consciously incorporate Froebel's pedagogy into modern education- and to be able to implement the educational landscape. Countless kindergartens in Germany and around the world bear the name "Friedrich Froebel". Following the principle – there, where "Froebel" is in the name of the facility, Froebel also has to think about it, in the course of the day, found in the equipment and of course in the educational work – The opportunity arises on the basis of this book, to formulate conceptual and qualitative requirements for Froebel kindergartens and with corresponding, to underline verifiable criteria. These criteria serve, summarized in a guideline for the evaluation and certification of Froebel kindergartens, of the Froebel Academy in Germany, to certify a corresponding unique selling proposition.

In conclusion, allow, I wish the book many interested readers. Due to its practical relevance, it does not only offer pedagogues the opportunity, to open up new perspectives and training opportunities. It's equally interesting, animating and educational reading for parents, to deal with the daily challenges, in front of which they are presented by their children in our exciting present, to be able to deal better and more purposefully. After all, it is about nothing less, as to preserve the legacy of one of the most remarkable educators in German history and to use and develop his groundbreaking ideas and insights in today's world. Normann Kühn Froebel Academy Germany

Additional information

Gewicht 1.8 kg
Größe 17 × 4 × 24 cm


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