nordhuse – Nordhausen


Nordhuse – Nordhausen origin, Transformation and interpretation of the name of the migration to the Present

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A native of northern homes and most recently living in Neuss, Germany Author Dr. Hans-Joachim Graul wrote this 54-page booklet. „Nordhuse – Nordhausen“ Origin, Transformation and interpretation of the name of the migration to the Present.

Graul was a student of Dr Nordhäuser teacher. Silver Borth, which the origin of the name Nordhausen not necessarily attributed to the thesis of the historian Karl Meyer, that the name of his home after „the northern settlement“ designated, being equal Sundhausen Südhausen „the southern settlement“ calls. So the teacher towards his students.

Technically, the author presents another variant, wherein Dr. Graul his thesis does not want to push in the foreground, but merely sets out, that other explanations are possible origin.


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