Die Graupenstrasse wieder lieferbar!

Die Graupenstrasse wieder lieferbar!

A family friend, Werner Rathsfeld, has been 1945 arrested by the Soviet secret in Nordhausen, interned in Buchenwald and 15 sentenced years in prison in Waldheim.

The accusation: His company for wallpaper printing presses have produced war material for the armed forces. His experiences in the NKVD cellars in Nordhausen, in special camps and in Waldheim prison Rathsfeld in his book „The Graupenstrasse“ described. His wife Ursula contributed their experiences and their three children in. The couple is already dead.

called the head of the Buchenwald Memorial „The Graupenstrasse“, appeared at the beginning of the 90s and so far out, a vivid document for visitors to the memorial and schools.

Therefore we decided, reprint the book and in Nordhausen (where else) to let Print.

Professor Dr. Volkhard Knigge, Stiftungsdirektor der Gedenkstätte Buchenwald, schlug Alarm. Vor etwa einem Jahr entdeckte er, dass das Buch „The Graupenstrasse – Experienced and suffered in Nordhausen, Buchwald and Waldheim“ von Werner und Ursula Rathsfeld vergriffen war.

Er nannte das Book ein Zeugnis der Zeitgeschichte und ein anschauliches Dokument für Besucher der Gedenkstätte und für Schulen. Grund genug für Nordhäuser Freunde, sich zusammenzuschließen und das Buch neu aufzulegen.Heimat. Read more

Historischer Kalender Nordhausen 2017

Since the year 2000 erscheint der Kalender bei uns im Verlag.

kalender2017Historical Views of Nordhausen in the form of viewing- and Photo Cards or. historic lithographs presented in this publication. Here you can really call it a huge success, to this publication in no time experienced. The demand for old & views is rare in Nordhausen very large, especially since the historic Old 80 Percent of the bombs (1945) fell victim to.

Even after the first edition after the demand has increased steadily, so every year with a circulation of 1000 Each is necessary. The layout has changed slightly over the years. Since 2007 we the old recordings over a photo from today's perspective, so that any lingering doubts or questions are excluded to the site. To meet the desire many customers, we have the calendar greatly reduced in this issue and housed more historical information. Hier geht es zur Bestellseite.

Beiträge zur Geschichte von Nordhausen

Cover yellow series 2015Noch rechtzeitig vor dem Weihnachtsfest ist der 40. Band der sogenannten „Gelben Reihe“ erschienen. Mit seinen 246 Druckseiten erschien nun der 40. Band of so-called "Yellow Series" as one of the most extensive. Nicht nur durch Umfang, sondern auch durch die Vielfalt der Beiträge zeichnet er sich wiederum aus. Read more