
Report of an abused child.

God created mothers
“God cannot be everywhere, therefore he created the mothers.”

Rarely laughed so much. I've heard this quote many times - and it makes me nauseous on a regular basis. When I'm having a good day, and over the years they have increased significantly, I can wave away with a tired smile. On less good days, the past still comes frighteningly close to me. taunts me, makes it sometimes, to put a stranglehold on me.

Then I panic, feel mortal. Now, That comes, as said, not so common anymore. Nevertheless, in these moments I feel like the child again, that I once was, but I haven't been for a long time: delivered, unloved, alone. Read more

The child's life is a game:


Friedrich Froebel's play education today for kindergarten, School and family bound Output in 2 Volumes by Matthias Brodbeck

Introductory words to the book
Hardly any other educator has been and is so strongly associated with early childhood education and upbringing, like Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel. That is not surprising, it was he, which made it clear with the establishment of the first kindergarten, that early childhood is a very meaningful phase in individual development. Read more

Heeres-Munitionsanstalt Ludwigshall Wolkramshausen


The overall history of the shaft „Ludwigshall“ Wolkramshausen with the explosives disaster in the year 1942 with 145 Fatalities

To the shop


At the 29. July 1942 occurred in the underground army ammunition facility Wolkramshausen near Nordhausen in 660 Meters deep, a major explosion, the least 145 most of the forced laborers there had lost their lives.

Cover of the publication

In the GDR era only very little information was available about this. Contemporary witnesses did not report; they would have voluntarily revealed it, that they once worked in a secret ammunition factory of the fascist armed forces, in which large-caliber projectile ammunition had been produced in large quantities, the soldiers and civilians of the victorious Allied powers had brought death.

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The bombing of Nordhausen part I.


A contemporary witness report by Heinz Eiling, Jg 1931

In Nordhausen the air raids on Nordhausen were made before these days 75 Years ago, at them 8800 People lost their lives and the city too 75 Percent was destroyed.

I like the 3. and 4. April 1945 experienced in Nordhausen!

If I do today, 75 Years after the heavy bombing days on Nordhausen write down my own experiences, then with the intention, to preserve and remind future generations of this inferno, that something like that doesn't happen again.

I still remember very well, like me as 13 year old boy on 3. April by the Tennecker company & Summer in the Long Street in a handcart fetched a sack of coal and against 16 O'clock the first bomb attack began. Already arrived on the Frauenberg, I had to find shelter in a house, when bombs detonated in Neustadtstrasse and other places. After the attack I hurried home to Petersberg, looked after my mother, who hugged me and was happy, that nothing had happened to me.

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